If you have planned to move on a road trip then you can choose route 66 which will be a good memorable place for you in your lifetime. You need more time to enjoy your trip to that particular place because there will be so much to see. You will get a little confused on where to begin and where to end and this will make you get into a confused state in making your plan. There are some of the top best attractions of the famous route 66 if you wanted to know about them you can continue reading.

Paul Bunyan

Along the many things to see on route 66, this is a special kind of place where this will be 6 meters tall and there will be a statue standing with full confidence. This is particularly present in Atlanta which started as like a café.

route 66

Oil gas station

This particular type of station was built after six years of the finding of route 66. This station is properly preserved in time.

Catsup bottle

This catsup bottle is said to be the world’s largest ketchup bottle which is 52 meters tall standing. This is mainly used for filling water and it is known as a water tower. You will get to understand it if you see it in person.


This was mainly constructed during 1927. This bridge is being used for many movie shootings and hence it is known as the chain of Rockbridge.

Big chief hotel

This in other term is also said to be as big chief Roadhouse which is an old hotel open in the year 1928 as like a single cabin. Those cabins have been removed but even though it is a fantastic restaurant. Where if you get into route 66 you will not be clear about where you have started your trip already because there will be many things to see. People who like to explore something new every day will feel it more beneficial. You will never be able to get to any end of route 66 which will take you to different places every time you reach there.

These are some of the most interesting part of Route 66 which you need to know about. Getting into the interesting part of Food City on your trip will be helpful for you to create more new memory.